Why i chose meditation.

offering myself a daily experience of consciousness.

Chakra Activation is a useful sequenced tool used throughout mindful meditation. In order from crown chakra Sahasrara all the way to womb & root chakra Mulad...

I was introduced to the act of meditation by my Shimá. My mother imbued her knowledge of peaceful meditation in all five of her children after it aided her in quieting some of the noise of life.

My first tries of meditation were uneasy and uncomfortable, as I battled myself to rid my mind of thought, and free myself from distraction. I later learned, with the aiding teachings of Mooji, that it is more useful to release the ideology of controlling my thoughts and allow them to swim through, without any real attachment to them.

You see, we are not our thoughts, we are merely witnessing them.

This concept may be difficult to innerstand at first, stay open and you shall see it through

Just like growth in the body happens naturally, without force; natural expansion takes place in meditation just the same. We mustn’t regulate the train of thought, as that particular process is not most natural. Observe, presently, without trying to direct the traffic of thought. Merely allow these thoughts to audition for your attention without logging onto them.

Let your thoughts play, without subscribing to them. We hold the conscious power of choosing which thought to grab.

I aim to choose a picture so vibrationally high, that it defies any lower vibratory interference.

We are to not judge ourselves for obtaining natural thought, and furthermore being human, as we are not most knowing of which thoughts are to flow in.

Observe your thoughts, without engaging in them.

If not a picture, nor mantra, in my mindspace, my attention is most frequently on my breath.

Without trying to dictate or control, my thoughts may begin to quiet and blend in with the beat of my breath. In that moment, I am harmonious. Free of past & future, only existing in Now.

in that moment, peace is upon my entire being.

Before I reached some level of comfortability in my meditation, silence, space & stillness allotted room for subconscious to reach the front of my mind space. I was asked questions, by self, that called for analyzation & attention. Stories and experiences arose asking for my care. This is natural. Here, the opportunity for Realization & Release is presented to my soul, and I take it.

Meditation offers interpersonal, intuitive query and pure response thereafter. It allots space & time for deep connection & ascension. It offered me chance for reflection. I asked myself questions like how are you, really? who do you wish to be? and do those two versions of self meet?

There is no ego in the meeting of yourself, nor the rise to higher consciousness; there is just you and source.


Transcendental Meditation :

This sort of present, mindful meditation includes the repetition of mantra. Where and when mind flees from these intentional words, you are to bring the point of attention back to your chosen mantra, repeatedly bringing your beingness to the present. Thus creating Awareness. This technique allots for consistency of present concentration and furthermore, ascension.